=============== Getting Started =============== This is a guide that will get you started with Froide in no time. Some more advanced features are discussed at the end. Set up the development environment ---------------------------------- You should be using `virtualenv` and it is suggested you also use `virtualenvwrapper`. Setup a virtual environment for development like so:: mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages froide Get the source code with Git from the official GitHub repository or from your fork:: git clone git://github.com/stefanw/froide.git cd froide Install the requirements inside the virtual env with `pip`:: which pip pip install -r requirements.txt If only your global `pip` is available, run `easy_install pip`. The dependency installation takes a couple of seconds, but after that everything is in place. Copy `local_settings.py.example` to `local_settings.py`:: cd froide cp local_settings.py.example local_settings.py The development environment uses SQLite. You can change that in `local_settings.py`, if you want, but you don't have to. Sync and migrate and *do NOT* create a superuser just yet:: python manage.py syncdb --noinput --migrate Now you can create a superuser account:: python manage.py createsuperuser That's it for a setup that basically works. Run this:: python manage.py runserver and go to `http://localhost:8000 `_. You should be greeted by a working Froide installation. It doesn't have any data inside, but you can change that by going to `http://localhost:8000/admin/ `_ and logging in with your superuser account. For more information on the different models you find in the admin visit :doc:`models`. Run tests --------- Froide has a test suite. Copy `test_settings.py.example` to `test_settings.py`. `test_settings.py` does not import your `local_settings.py` changes. You can then run the shell script for tests:: sh runtests.sh This also does timing and a test coverage analysis that you can then find at `htmlcov/index.html`. Note some tests will not work without a search engine like solr running. Search with Haystack and Solr ----------------------------- Background Processing with Celery ---------------------------------